
Collection of packages and tools to make writing Go code easier.

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As I work on various Go projects, I often find myself creating utility functions, extending existing packages, or developing packages to solve specific problems. Moving from one project to another, I usually have to copy or rewrite these solutions. So I created this repository to have all these utilities and packages in one place. Hopefully, you'll find them useful as well.

These packages aim to enhance the functionality of the standard library and other popular packages. They are intended to be used together with other packages rather than replacing them. The APIs are designed based on my experience working with Go, focusing on simplicity and ease of use. I will try to follow best practices in Go, but not always. I also tend to choose a more performance implementation if possible.

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Package diffz provides functions for comparing and displaying differences between two strings. It’s based on kylelemons/godebug and sergi/go-diff. It provides additional features of ignoring spaces and supporting placeholders.


// diff by char
left, right := "onetwo thr33four five", "onetwothree fourfive"
diffs := diffz.IgnoreSpace().DiffByChar(left, right)

// diff by line
left, right := "one\ntwo\nthree\nfour", "one\ntwo\nfour"
diffs := diffz.IgnoreSpace().DiffByLine(left, right)

// placeholder is useful for comparing tests with uuid or random values
diffs := diffz.Placeholder().AndIgnoreSpace().DiffByLine(left, right)
left := "id: ████\ncode: AF███\nname: Alice\n"
right := "id: 1234\ncode: AF123\nname: Baby\n"

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